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GECLID Quality. Simply.

    Interlaboratory comparisons for Diagnostic Immunology Labs (under the auspices of the Spanish Society for Immunology and the Iberian Society of Citometry, CI). 


  • Autoimmunity
  • Immunochemistry
  • HLA & immunogenetics
  • Cell immunity 


Laboratories around the world trust our quality controls.

You can join at any time of the year. Renewals and registrations for full EPT years will be ratified between October and December, to allow us to confirm the lists of participants before the start of sample shipments.





Lab specialists using our interlaboratory comparisons


Schemes to help you improve.


You can join all along the year and you will take next round (when you are not taking a whole year, you budget will be accordingly minored). If you've previously joined, the besrt moment to confirm is october to january, to let us confirm participants' listings before the start of samples' delivery

The best option is filling in the Registration form, in order to avoid mistakes.If you've previously participated, you can fill in the form for registered users and your data will be kept for next years. In a couple of days you will receive a budget by e-mail

You can register a second analyzer. That means you must record your data batches by 2 different users. Just let us know wether you need more users for your lab or whenever you need help.


Sí, para cada ronda hay -además de vuestro informe individual- informes con toda la información de las muestras y los métodos empleados por los participantes




En realidad, con un informe por laboratorio debería ser suficiente (comparando tu primer equipo y tu segundo en un autoinforme), pero puedes inscribirte con un segundo equipo en GECLID. Eso significa que debes grabar los dos grupos de resultados CON DOS USUARIOS DIFERENTES. Si tienes dudas o necesitas más usuarios en tu laboratorio, consultanos.
Is there a deadline to join?
You can join all along the year and you will take next round (when you are not taking a whole year, you budget will be accordingly minored). If you've previously joined, the besrt moment to confirm is october to january, to let us confirm participants' listings before the start of samples' delivery
How can I confirm or join?
The best option is filling in the Registration form, in order to avoid mistakes.If you've previously participated, you can fill in the form for registered users and your data will be kept for next years. In a couple of days you will receive a budget by e-mail
I need more than one report because I perform 2 different methods
You can register a second analyzer. That means you must record your data batches by 2 different users. Just let us know wether you need more users for your lab or whenever you need help.